How to Improve your Network Performance by Asking your Provider for Worse Server
How to Improve your Network Performance by Asking your Provider for Worse Server
Mittal, R., Sherry, J., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. How to Improve your Network Performance by Asking your Provider for Worse Server. HotNets 2013.
CANDID: Classifying Assets in Networks by Determining Importance and Dependencies
Marshall, S. CANDID: Classifying Assets in Networks by Determining Importance and Dependencies. EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley.
Large-scale computation not at the cost of expressiveness
Han, S. and Ratnasamy, S. Large-scale computation not at the cost of expressiveness. HotOS 2013.
CAP for Networks
Panda, A., Scott, C., Ghodsi, A., Koponen, T. and Shenker, S. CAP for Networks. HotSDN 2013.
Leveraging SDN Layering to Systematically Troubleshoot Networks
Heller, B., Scott, C., Mckeown, N., Shenker, S., Wundsam, A., Zeng, H., Whitlock, S., Jeyakumar, V., Handigol, N., McCauley, M., Zarifis, K. and Kazemian, P. Leveraging SDN Layering to Systematically Troubleshoot Networks. HotSDN 2013.
Brief Announcement: Techniques for Programmatically Troubleshooting Distributed Systems
Whitlock, S., Scott, C. and Shenker, S. Brief Announcement: Techniques for Programmatically Troubleshooting Distributed Systems. PODC 2013.
Network support for resource disaggregation in next-generation datacenters
Han, S., Egi, N., Panda, A., Ratnasamy, S., Shi, G. and Shenker, S. Network support for resource disaggregation in next-generation datacenters. HotNets XII.
The Case for Tiny Tasks in Compute Clusters
Ousterhout, K., Panda, A., Rosen, J., Venkataraman, S., Xin, R., Ratnasamy, S., Shenker, S. and Stoica, I. The Case for Tiny Tasks in Compute Clusters. HotOS 2013.
Low latency via redundancy
Vulimiri, A., Godfrey, P.B., Mittal, R., Sherry, J., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. Low latency via redundancy. CoNEXT 2013.
Ensuring Connectivity via Data Plane Mechanisms
Liu, J., Panda, A., Singla, A., Godfrey, P.B., Schapira, M. and Shenker, S. Ensuring Connectivity via Data Plane Mechanisms. NSDI 2013.