Introducing Research for Practice
Introducing Research for Practice
Bailis, P., Sherry, J. and Peter, S. Introducing Research for Practice. Queue. 14, 2, 70:76–70:90.
Apache Spark: a unified engine for big data processing
Zaharia, M., Xin, R.S., Wendell, P., Das, T., Armbrust, M., Dave, A., Meng, X., Rosen, J., Venkataraman, S., Franklin, M.J., Ghodsi, A., Gonzalez, J., Shenker, S. and Stoica, I. Apache Spark: a unified engine for big data processing. Commun. ACM. 59, 11, 56–65.
The Deforestation of L2
McCauley, J.M., Zhao, M., Jackson, E.J., Raghavan, B., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. The Deforestation of L2. SIGCOMM 2016 497–510.
Network Requirements for Resource Disaggregation
Gao, P.X., Narayan, A., Karandikar, S., Carreira, J., Han, S., Agarwal, R., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. Network Requirements for Resource Disaggregation. OSDI 2016 249–264.
Recursive SDN for Carrier Networks
McCauley, J.M., Liu, Z., Panda, A., Koponen, T., Raghavan, B., Rexford, J. and Shenker, S. Recursive SDN for Carrier Networks. CoRR. abs/1605.07734.
Open Network Interfaces for Carrier Networks
Panda, A., McCauley, J.M., Tootoonchian, A., Sherry, J., Koponen, T., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. Open Network Interfaces for Carrier Networks. SIGCOMM CCR 2016.
The quest for resilient (static) forwarding tables
Chiesa, M., Nikolaevskiy, I., Mitrovic, S., Panda, A., Gurtov, A.V., Madry, A., Schapira, M. and Shenker, S. The quest for resilient (static) forwarding tables. INFOCOM 2016 1–9.
Ivy: Interactive Verification of Parametrized Systems via Effectively Propositional Reasoning
Padon, O., McMillan, K., Panda, A., Sagiv, M. and Shoham, S. Ivy: Interactive Verification of Parametrized Systems via Effectively Propositional Reasoning. PLDI 2016.
Some Complexity Results for Stateful Network Verification
Velner, Y., Alpernas, K., Panda, A., Rabinovich, A., Sagiv, M., Shenker, S. and Shoham, S. Some Complexity Results for Stateful Network Verification. TACAS 2016.
Recursive SDN for Carrier Networks
McCauley, J.M., Liu, Z., Panda, A., Koponen, T., Raghavan, B., Rexford, J. and Shenker, S. Recursive SDN for Carrier Networks. SIGCOMM CCR 2016. 46, 4, 1–7.